Recent News

SILVER SWANS- Wednesday 10:00am -11:00am - All Saints Church Hall
We are excited to announce that we now offer Silver Swan classes!
Developed by the Royal Academy of Dance, this programme is based on research into dance practice for older learners and classes can only be taught by Silver Swan licensed teachers.
£8 pay as you go!
ADULT BALLET CLASSES- Friday - 1:00pm - 2:00pm St Peter's Church hall
All abilities welcome! It is a really fun class so please don't be afraid to come along.
CONTEMPORARY CLASSES- Wednesday- 5:15pm-6:00pm Juniors and 6:00pm-6:45pm Seniors
Miss Aria continues to teach Contemporary at All Saints Catholic Church Hall.
From September Miss Holly will be teaching IDTA tap at All Saints Church Hall on Saturday mornings - please check the timetable
Student Success
Bryony Bevan - After completing a year at Arts Educational School in London Bryony is continuing her studies at Northern School of Contemporary Dance.
Jennifer Adams - Completed a her Foundation year at Guildford School of Acting and has recently returned from acting the cruise ships
Ellie Manley- is thoroughly enjoying life at Bath University and still dancing.
Charlie Norton- at LAMDA following on from the BRIT School
Hannah Relfe- is studying with the RAD to complete her Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies, hoping to become a qualified teacher by the end of 2023.
Charities supported:
Teenage Cancer Trust
Princess Alice Hospice
Shooting Star Children's Hospice
The Dream and Nutcracker workshops
Miss Jo enjoyed teaching both workshops at the RAD HQ just before Christmas.
Dance Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. Miss Jo assisted Craig Bartley with the choreography for Dance Proms at the Royal Albert Hall on 5th November 2017. 600 children from all over the world dancing their hearts out.
La Fille Mal Gardee
Miss Jo taught the first La Fille Mal Gardee Children's workshop at RAD HQ following a comprehensive training day thanks to the Fredrick Ashton Foundation.
Childrens Summer Classes RAD - Summer 2021
Miss Jo is teaching the summer classes at the RAD HQ and really looking forward to it.